Friday, 7 June 2024

09.00 - 10.30

Parallel Sessions 6

09.00 - 09.30
Biomass characterisation and valorisation
Marieke Bruins, Wageningen Food & Biobased Research, Wageningen, NL

09.30 - 09.50
Biorefinement of green leaves to produce feed and high-quality food-grade proteins using membrane filtration

Anders Kjær Jørgensen, Aalborg University, DK

09.50 - 10.10
Development of an innovative process to recover proteins from lysed Tetraselmis chui by coupling extraction and separation in aqueous phase and facilitate their valorisation
Estelle Coualiler, Nantes Université, FR

10.10 - 10.30
Selective extraction of collagen from codfish skins and scales via deep eutectic solvents

Abolfazl Keshmirshekan, University of Aveiro, PT

09.00 - 09.30
Invited talk: Scaling biotechnological research & development: lessons learned at Ginkgo Bioworks

Bob Van Hove, Ginkgo Bioworks, US

09.30 - 09.50
Continuous bioprocess for 2,3-butanediol production by Klebsiella oxytoca ACA-DC 1581, an optimized pilot-scale industrial fermentation
Dimitris Karayannis, Agricultural University of Athens & Verd S.A., GR

09.50 - 10.10
Recycling of biodegradable plastics via open-culture anaerobic fermentation into carboxylates
Yong Jin, Wageningen University & Research, NL

10.10 - 10.30
Unveiling Gordonia's potential for sustainable textile recycling
Katharina Steiner, Wood K plus  & University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, AT

09.00 - 09.30
Biopolymer waste derived biostimulants: Challenges and opportunities
Anwar Jardine, University of Cape Town, ZA

09.30 - 09.50
Effect of methanogenic archaea presence on short-chain fatty acids production via anaerobic fermentation of agroindustrial waste
Alejandra Martorell-Múgica, IMDEA Energy, ES

09.50 - 10.10
Development of waste biorefineries towards a circular bioeconomy
Carol Sze Ki Lin, City University of Hong Kong, CN

10.10 - 10.30
Celery waste material: A potential source of crop protection compounds
Pierfrancesco Motti, Ghent University, BE


10.30 – 11.00

Coffee Break and Exhibition

11.00 - 12.30

Parallel Sessions 7

11.00 - 11.30
Invited talk: Nature’s hidden tools as a new entry to create affordable β-glucans
Ronny Vercauteren, Cargill R&D Centre Europe, BE

11.30 - 11.50
Synthesis of green solvents from bio-based lactones using heterogeneous copper catalysts
Federica Zaccheria, CNR – SCITEC “G. Natta”, IT

11.50 - 12.10
Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) enzymatic recycling and upcycling of hydrolysate as carbon source using degradation products
Lina Zoghbi, University of Thessaly, GR

12.10 - 12.30
Carbohydrate-active enzymes production by Neofusicoccum parvum and its enzymatic hydrolysis performance on wheat straw and grapevine canes
Julián David Restrepo-Leal, Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne, FR

11.00 - 11.30
Bringing bioderived Levoglucosenone and Cyrene to a commercial reality
Mario De bruyn, Circa Renewable Chemistry Institute (CRCI), UK

11.30 - 11.50
Valorization of a green lignocellulose biomass for biobased chemicals production in a biorefinery-like concept
Ludovica Varriale, RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau, DE

11.50 - 12.10
Solvent screening for the extraction of aromatic aldehydes

Alexander Kaufmann, Graz University of Technology /Institute of Chemical Engineering and Environmental Technology, AT

12.10 - 12.30
Electrocatalytic conversion of glucose and xylose into value-added chemicals
Jay Pee Oña,Åbo Akademi University, FI


11.00 - 11.30
Valorizing food residue: Utilizing cucumber and paprika post-harvest waste for eco-friendly anthelmintics and nematode management
Katleen Raes, Ghent University, BE

11.30 - 11.50
Catalytic lipophilization of natural antioxidants
Valeria Pappalardo, ‘Giulio Natta’ Institute of Chemical Sciences and Technologies (SCITEC) - National Research Council (CNR), IT

11.50 - 12.10
Reverse engineering on squid waste for wastewater treatment
Pedro Nakasu, Imperial College London, UK

12.10 - 12.30
Enzymatic protein extraction from unsorted dehydrated canned tuna side streams: Laboratory and pilot-scale experiments

12.30 - 12.40

Presentation of the 12th Golden Crop Award

12.40 - 12.50

Presentation of the Awards for the best PhD talks
Chris Stevens, Ghent University, BE

12.50 - 13.00

Closing remarks and presentation of RRB 2025

13.00 – 14.00

Farewell Lunch

15.00 – 17.00

Optional visit to the federal parliament (Senate)