Wednesday, 31 May 2023

08.30 - 09.15


09.15 – 11.30

Official Opening of RRB 2023 and Opening Plenary Session
Chris Stevens, Ghent University, BE and Uģis Cābulis, Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry, LV

Welcome to Latvia  
Dmitrijs Stepanovs, Director of Department of Higher Education, Science and Innovations of Ministry of Education and Science of Latvia

Welcome to Riga
Mārtiņš Staķis, Chairman of the Riga City Council

Keynote Lecture:

How systems thinking affects biomass conversion research
Philip G. Jessop, FRSC; Canada Research Chair in Green Chemistry, Queen's University and Chair of the Editorial Board, Green Chemistry, RSC

Keynote Lecture:

Bridging science and policy to strengthen the EU Bioeconomy
Adrian Leip, Head of Sector RTD Bioeconomy and Pieter Nachtergaele, EU Bioeconomy Youth Ambassador for Belgium


Graduate School in Biotechnology for Biobased Economy in Toulouse, France: interdisciplinary challenges in education and research
Carole Molina Jouve, Toulouse Biotechnology Institute, France

11.30 - 13.15


13.15 – 14.45

Parallel sessions 1

13.15 - 13.45
Invited talk: CMF: A disruptive innovation in the biorefinery 

Mark Mascal, UC Davis, USA

14.45 - 14.05
Properties and applications of chitosan and chitin from insect investigated for commodities plastic degradation by a circular economy approach
Patrizia Cinelli, University of Pisa, IT

14.05 - 14.25
Natural flame retardants for textiles based on phytic acid
Klaus Opwis, Deutsches Textilforschungszentrum Nord-West gGmbH, DE

14.25 - 14.45
Development of photo-crosslinkable poly(aspartic acid) derivatives: Towards a sustainable alternative for poly(acrylic acid)

Lauren De Grave, Ghent University, BE

13.15 - 13.45
Enhanced biodiesel synthesis by supported sodium aluminate catalysts

Giovanni Pampararo, Université catholique de Louvain, BE

13.45 - 14.05
Upscaling of activated carbon unit for advanced energy storage systems

Pablo J. Arauzo, University of Hohenheim, DE

14.05- 14.25
How sustainable is offshore wind energy? Application of a developed sustainability framework including local and global (socio-environmental) impacts

Sue Ellen Taelman, Ghent University, BE

14.25 - 14.45
Simultaneous saccharification and fermentation for efficient conversion of lignocellulose and production of fungal lipid-based biofuels and added-value chemicals
Cristian Bolaño Losada, NMBU, NO

13.15 - 13.45
Invited talk:
Roles of precision fermentation in the future of foods
Jess Nguyen, TurtleTree, USA

13.45 - 14.05
Lactic acid production from cellulosic side stream of the lyocell process via separated enzymatic fed-batch saccharification and fermentation with Enterococcus mundtii

Sebastian España Orozco, WOOD Kplus – Kompetenzzentrum Holz GmbH, AT

14.05 - 14.25
Short-chain organic acids from lignocellulosic biomass: first step in polyhydroxyalkanoates production by MMC
Paulo Lemos, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, PT

14.25- 14.45
Batch and fed-batch process development for the fast-growing Vibrio natriegens

Eva Forsten, RWTH Aachen University, DE

14.45 - 16.15

Coffee Break, Exhibition and Poster Tour 1

16.15 - 17.15

Parallel sessions 2

16.15 - 16.35
Invited talk: Nature-derived alternatives to petrol based chemicals in paper making & personal care
Piet Bogaert, Cargill, BE

16.35 - 16.55
Natural dicarboxylic acids – Versatile bio-based feedstock for polymer materials
Hynek Beneš, Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences, CZ

16.55 - 17.15
Up-cycling of synthetic plastic wastes into valuable storage compounds from Rhodococcus strain isolated from plastic contaminated sites
Ana Teresa Rebocho, NOVA University Lisbon, PT

16.15 - 16.35
Flying the future: Advances in sustainable aviation fuels at the Joint BioEnergy Institute (JBEI)
Blake A. Simmons, DOE Joint BioEnergy Institute, US

16.35 - 16.55
Spatial and temporal distribution of lignocellulosic biomass for marine & aviation biofuel production
Stender Kwakernaak, Delft University of Technology, NL

16.55 - 17.15
Biofuels production from syngas fermentation for aviation and maritime use (BioSFerA): Recent advances from lab scale activities
Kostis Atsonios, Chemical Process & Energy Resources Institute, Athens, GR

16.15 - 16.35
Woodborer enzyme discovery for lignocellulose decomposition

Katrin Besser, University of York, UK

16.35 - 16.55
Glycerol conversion with the yeast Yarrowia lipolytica growing as a biofilm
Akarawit Jenjitwanich, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, AT

16.55 - 17.15
Effective lipase catalyzed synthesis of lauryl esters of carbohydrate polyols in reactive natural deep eutectic solvents
Alina Ramona Buzatu, Polytechnic University Timisoara, RO

17.30 - 19.30

Guided visit of the city


Welcome Reception at the Railway Museum