Wednesday, 5 June 2024

09.00 - 09.45


09.45 – 11.40

Official Opening of RRB 2024 and Opening Plenary Session
Chris Stevens, Ghent University, BE and Wim Soetaert, Ghent University

Official Opening Address: The EU: challenges for the next five years
Herman Van Rompuy, Former President of the European Council

Keynote Lecture 1: From climate science to climate transition
Valérie Trouet, Belgian Climate Centre

Keynote Lecture 2: Data Sharing to Accelerate the Bioeconomy
Nigel Mouncey,DOE Joint Genome Institute, Berkeley, USA

11.40 - 12.45

Lunch and exhibition

12.45 – 14.15

Parallel sessions 1

12.45 - 13.15
Invited talk: Continuous flow synthesis and upgrading of selected biobased chemicals derived from oil and lignocellulose derivatives

Christophe Len, PSL Research University, FR

13.15 - 13.35
Poly(malic acid) (PMLA) as a bio-based polymer with excellent properties for industrial applications: From the renewable resource over L-malic acid to the ready biopolymer
Thomas Hahn, Fraunhofer Institute for Interfacial Engineering and Biotechnology, DE

13.35 - 13.55
Biorefinery of agri-food residues: Versatile galactaric acid from sugar beet pulp
Wouter Huijgen, Cosun R&D, NL

13.55 - 14.15
Biocatalytic production of terpene esters from flower waste

Alisa Wikaputri, University of Nottingham, UK

12.45 - 13.15
Invited talk: The UPLIFT plastic biorefinery

Cristiano Varrone, Aalborg University, DK

13.15 - 13.35
Gas fermentation goes thermophilic: Thermoanaerobacter kivui as a promising host for acetogenic fermentation of syngas from biomass gasification
Stefan Pflügl, Technische Universität Wien, AT

13.35 - 13.55
Engineering microbial communities for the conversion of lignocellulose into green chemicals
Christina Schäfer, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, DE

13.55 - 14.15
Intensifying the production and purification of bio-based organic acids from low-pH fermentation

Sinah Tönjes, Ghent University &  Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant, BE

12.45 - 13.15
Invited talk: Biofuels and their role to defossilize global transport sectors

Luc Pelkmans, Bioenergy, BE

13.15 - 13.35
Green energy from date seed waste: Extraction and phytochemical screening of date seed oil from date seed waste
Maria Mushtaq, Abu Dhabi Vocational Education and Training Institute, UAE

13.35 - 13.55
Mild hydrothermal carbonization of biomass as pre-treatment to pyrolysis and gasification processes
Heather Wray, TNO Biobased and Circular Technologies, NL

13.55 - 14.15
Condensation of furfural with cyclopentanone catalysed by basic metal oxides for the synthesis of precursors of aviation fuels

Marcelo E. Domine, University of Valencia, ES

14.15 - 15.15

Coffee Break, Exhibition and Poster Tour 1

15.15 - 16.15

Parallel sessions 2

15.15 - 15.35
Beer spent grain for biopolymers: From laboratory to the Industry
Valentina Beghetto, University Ca’ Foscari Venice & Crossing Srl, IT

15.35 - 15.55
Advanced ionothermal carbons: A biobased mesoporous material for electrochemistry and catalysis
Volker Heil, Fraunhofer UMSICHT, DE

15.55 - 16.15
Valorizing suberin brushes on nacellulose as compatibilizer for biocomposites
Sergejs Gaidukovs, Riga Technical University, LV

15.15 - 15.35
From feedstock variability to fibre application – Lignin valorisation routes
Holger Klose, Forschungs-zentrum Jülich, DE

15.35 - 15.55
Evaluation of unsterile lignocellulosic wastewater valorization with the oleaginous R. kratochvilovae and C. oleaginosum strains
Iris Cornet, University of Antwerp, BE

15.55 - 16.15
Alkaline pre-treatment of lignocellulosic biomass by twin-screw extrusion for the production of binderless materials by thermo-compression
Julie Cavailles, Université de Toulouse, FR 

15.15 - 15.35
Deep eutectic solvents and ionic liquids: An insight into their relationship
Andrea Mezzetta, University of Pisa, IT

15.35 - 15.55
Reduced environmental impacts through process-intensified conversion of lignocellulosic biomass?
Nils Rettenmaier, IFEU – Institute for Energy and Environmental Research GmbH, DE

15.55 - 16.15
From grass to gas and beyond: Anaerobic digestion as a key enabling technology for a residual grass biorefinery

Marcella Fernandes de Souza, Ghent University, BE

16.15 - 18.45

Biobased Market, the Palace of the Academies